ACRONYMS: Tourism Economic Development related industry 

Organizational, Operations, Governance terms

ADR - Average Daily Rate
B2B - Business to Business
B2C - Business to Consumer
BOD - Board of Directors 
CAO - Chief Administrative Officer 
CEO - Chief Executive Officer
CFO - Chief Financial Officer
CID - Community Improvement District  
CMO - Chief Marketing Officer
CMS - Content Management System
CoC - Chamber of Commerce 
COO - Chief Operating Officer 
CRM - Customer Relationship Management System 
CVB - Convention & Visitors Bureau
EIC - Event Impact Calculator
MOU - Memorandum of Understanding
DDA - Downtown Development Authority
DEI - Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
DMC - Destination Management Company
DMO - Destination Marketing Organization 
EDA - Economic Development Authority 

FAM - Familiarization Tour 
H/M Tax - Hotel Motel Tax/Accommodations Tax/Lodging Tax/Bed Tax   
IDA - Industrial Development Authority 
KPI - Key Performance Indicator
LGBT - Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender  

OTA - Online Travel Agency
PR - Public Relations
RevPAR - Revenue Per Available Room 
RFI - Request for Information 
RFP - Request For Proposal
RFQ - Request for Qualifications 
ROI - Return On Investment 
RTA - Regional Travel Association 
RVIC - Regional Visitor Information Center 
SEM - Search Engine Marketing
SEO - Search Engine Optimization
SOP - Standard Operating Procedures
STR - Smith Travel Research  / Star Report, Hotel Performance Data 
STR - Short-Term Rentals 
STVR - Short-Term Vacation Rentals
TAD - Tax Allocation District 
TCT - Tourism, Conventions & Trade Shows 
TID - Tourism Improvement District
TPD - Tourism Product Development

Government Relations specific terms

DOT - Transportation Public Facilities 
GDOT - Georgia Department of Transportation 
HB - House Bill 
HR - House Resolution
O.C.G.A. - Official Code of Georgia Annotated
SB - Senate Bill
SR - Senate Resolution 

Travel, Tourism, Hospitality, Arts and Community / Economic Development industry organizations 

AAA - American Automobile Association 
AAAE - American Association of Airport Executives 
AAHOA - Asian American Hotel Owners Association 
ACCG - Association of County Commissioners of Georgia
AHLA - American Hotel & Lodging Association 
AMTA - Atlanta Metro Travel Association 
ANHA - Alliance of National Heritage Areas
ASAE - American Society of Association Executives 
BID - Business Improvement District
CID - Community Improvement District 
DCA - Department of Community Affairs
DI - Destinations International 
DNR - Department of Natural Resources 
DOR - Department of Revenue
DOT - Department of Transportation 
FAA - Federal Aviation Administration 
GAC - Georgia Agribusiness Council 
GACE - Georgia Association of Code Enforcement 
GACCE - Georgia Association of Chamber of Commerce Executives 
GACVB - Georgia Association of Convention & Visitors Bureaus
GAMPI - (Georgia Chapter) Meetings Planners International
GCA - Georgia Council for the Arts 
GCTA - Georgia Coast Travel Association 
GDA - Georgia Downtown Association 
GDEcD - Georgia Department of Economic Development 
GEDA - Georgia Economic Developers Association 
GHLA - Georgia Hotel & Lodging Association
GMOA - Georgia Motorcoach Operators Association 
GRA - Georgia Restaurant Association
GMA - Georgia Municipal Association 
GSAE - Georgia Society of Association Executives 
HFIM UGA - Hospitality & Food Industry Management at University of Georgia
HPC - Historic Preservation Commission 
HPD - Historic Preservation Division 
LG - Leadership Georgia 
MPI - Meeting Planners International 
NHA - National Heritage Area
NPS - National Parks Service 
NRA - National Restaurant Association 
NTA - National Tour Association 
NEGMRTA - Northeast Georgia Mountains Regional Travel Association  
PCMA - Professional Convention Management Association 
RCMA - Religious Conference Management Association 
SETTRA Southeast Travel and Tourism Research Association
SFEA Southeast Festivals and Events Association
SGMP - Society of Government Meeting Planners 
STS - Southeast Tourism Society
TCSG - Technical College System of Georgia
TTRA Travel and Tourism Research Association
TLC - Tourism Leadership Council 
TTB - Alcohol and Tobacco, Tax and Trade Bureau, U.S. Department of the Treasury
USTA - U. S. Travel Association

Designations & Certifications (affiliate organization)

BEC - Benchmark of Excellence (GA Assoc. of CVBs) 
CAE - Certified Association Executive
CDME - Certified Destination Management Executive (Destinations International)
CMP - Certified Meeting Planner 
DMAP - Destination Marketing Accreditation Program (Destinations International) 
FEP - Festivals & Events Professional (Southeast Tourism Society w/ Southeast Festivals & Events)
GBAC STAR - Global Biorisk Advisory Counci Star Accreditation Program (Global Biorisk Advisory Council)
GCED - Georgia Certified Economic Developer (UGA Carl Vinson Institute of Government in partnership with GEDA)
IOM - Institute of Organization Management (U. S. Chamber of Commerce)
LEC - Leadership Excellence Certification (GA Assoc. of CVBs)
TMP - Travel Marketing Professional (Southeast Tourism Society)

Conferences, Conventions, Trade Shows, Industry Events

GSS - Group Sales Symposium (Georgia Association of Convention & Visitors Bureaus)
GTC - Governor's Tourism Conference (Explore Georgia)
ESTO - Educational Summit for Tourism Organizations (U.S. Travel Association)
IPW - travel industry's premier international marketplace (U.S. Travel Association) 
NTTW - National Travel and Tourism Week (U. S. Travel Association) 
STS MC - STS Marketing College (Southeast Tourism Society)

AgriTourism related terms 

AVA - American Viticultural Area
GDA - Georgia Department of Agriculture  
USDA - U.S. Department of Agriculture